Category Archives: Penzance happenings

Wandering at Perranuthnoe

Still water at Perranuthnoe

After a busy week, it’s time to celebrate the arrival of the weekend.

As predicted, my knitting is progressing slowly, never mind, mitten number two is on it’s way.

Despite having a busy week, I did have time for a little wander near the sea. Perranuthnoe is looking gorgeous and has recently become my favourite beach.

It’s often quiet at this time of year, and always beautiful. Not only is the beach lovely, but the rocky-road from The Cabin is fab too. It was a tiny wooden shed that specialised in home made cakes, but this has been demolished and a larger wooden building is being put in it’s place. I’m normally wary of change, but I am quite excited about this development; the new cabin will have some inside seating and an amazing view, I can’t wait for it to open.

sand, sea and a border collie

The Cabin is one of few eatery developments that seem to be happening around PZ at them moment. It feels like the town is coming out of hibernation and preparing for the summer season. I’m becoming quite hopeful that we might survive the economic downturn after all.

Have a lovely weekend


Winter Wonderland

Early morning snow on the Abbey Slip

This morning, my advent prayers were answered and the snow arrived in Penzance. It has been falling heavily since early this morning and Penzance is looking lovely. We are catching up with the rest of the country and now have a few inches.

I understand that snow can be problematic, and I am sure that the joy it brings might wear off after a while. But, we don’t get too much extreme weather down here and I was feeling a little bit left out.

Having been sent home from work, I am looking forward to an afternoon of mince-pie magic and I might even bake my Christmas cake.

Happy snow day!

An ode to the Cycle Centre

The Mounts Bay cycle path

As a lover of the slow bicycle movement, I am almost fully reliant on my friendly local bike shop (LBS) to keep me on the road.

A year ago, The Cycle Centre Penzance let me test drive a number of bikes and spent a long time matching up my requirements. As a consequence of their help, my bike is a perfect fit, I love her!

Unfortunately, with bikes, love is not enough. My poor little bike needs a lot of attention; but is unfortunate to have found an owner who is clueless about maintenance. Luckily, the lovely cycle centre seem to have endless patience and have shown me how to pump up tires, change brake pads and lubricate the chain.

If you visit Penzance, be sure to pop into the cycle centre. Hire a bike and spend a fantastic afternoon cycling between Marazion and Mousehole.

If you are not popping through Penzance anytime soon, please support your own local bike shop, I am sure that they are just as knowledgeable and encouraging as the Penzance LBS.

(Just to clarify – I’m not on commission – the Cycle Centre is truly fab!)

Sustainable Penzance

Our brand new wonderful wind turbine

Penzance's wonderful windmill

I am in love with Penzance’s newest landmark.

If you enter Penzance from the A30, you will see our wonderful new wind turbine sitting at the top of the town.

Wind turbines are not the perfect solution to climate change and peak oil, but they are one of the best options that we have at the moment. I am very proud that Penzance is now home to a lovely windmill!

Lets hope that our new Government will support the construction of even more windmills in our windswept landscape.

Mark Steel is in Penzance

Mark Steel at the Acorn Theatre

Penzance is famous! We have reached the heady heights of radio 4 and now star in ‘Mark Steel’s in Town’. It is available on iPlayer and is definitely worth having a listen to.

I particularly like the enthusiasm of the audience, we really laughed out loud, we cheered and whistled! I always feel so grateful when anybody actually makes it down this far!

Penzance where the locals revel in their remoteness, pilchards and pasties. Struck by the beauty of this rugged coastal town Mark Steel is surprised to find a civil war raging…

When the BBC record their shows, they give out double the number of tickets to the actual number of seats. As the tickets are free, people often request tickets, but then don’t turn up – not in Penzance! All 400 ticket holders queued up outside the Acorn theatre, the first 200 people were allowed in; then 50 people were allowed to listen from the bar downstairs. At this point, I thought there was going to be a riot, people had to guard the doors. It was quite tense.

Have a listen, it’s quite funny!