Category Archives: Well being

November’s Wanderlust

My world is speeding up and my weeks are rushing by. It’s time to slow down and remember to stop and stare and take in the wonders of November.

Wonderful colour

I’m not so keen on the dark evenings, but the setting sun seems to amplify the soft colours of West Penwith. It is quite stunning.

November might just be my favourite time of year. It’s just getting cold enough for gloves and scarves and hats and blustery visits to the beach. The colder temperatures still feel like a little bit of a novelty. I know that come February, I will be craving some warmth, but at the moment I’m quite content to savour the winter chills.

Live naturally…choose wool

…wool inspires passion, provenance, loyalty and increasingly is a positive force for social networking.

Campaign for wool, 2010

Happy Welsh sheep

Last month, the UK quietly celebrated national wool week. I missed it, but I definitely agree with the sentiment.

My latest hat has been created using Wool Britannia’s Aran in Rannoch Moor, it’s aptly named after a wonderful moorland wilderness in Scotland and I’m loving it.

My hat does fit, which is a massive bonus. The secret seems to be doing the maths before starting to knit. I’m still a beginner knitter, but now I’m becoming a confident beginner knitter; with a lovely purple floppy hat.

Calming autumnal shades of grey

Warm greys provide calm

I like autumn. I love the colours, the cooler temperatures and the thrill of the last few sunny beach days.

As nature is winding down for the oncoming period of hibernation I’m desperate to join in. Yet I seem to be facing an increasing workload. I can feel my body fighting the busyness. It’s yearning to stock up on the wonderful autumnal veggies and get ready to hide away until the warmer temperatures return.

Every part of my soul is aching to spend the days wandering, collecting chestnuts and watching the leaves change colour.

To counteract the busiest time of year at work, I’ve been desperately trying to squeeze in time to wander around outside. The sea’s calming silver-grey colour has helped me relax by absorbing any stress.

I’m hoping that I can fit in enough autumnal relaxation to fulfil my bodies need to hibernate without actually locking myself inside surrounded by soup and blankets!

Fundraising success

Lovely pink Bubs Bear, made by Abby

My lovely Bubs Bear in, her new home

The fantastic bloggers raffle, organised by Mutterer from the Moor has raised an amazing £318.00 for Cancer Research. This is a brilliant amount for such an important charity.

It is not too late to make a donation. Although the raffle has been drawn, you can still send money to a wonderful cause.

I was lucky enough to win one of the prizes and was so excited to receive a lovely Bubs Bear! She is so pretty and friendly; and now has pride of place sitting on my desk, watching me type!

The success of this raffle perfectly encapsulates the more positive aspects of the online community. People separated by Geography, but linked together through the world wide web have joined together, supported each others ventures and raised money for a brilliant charity – fantastic!

Snow love

Four things that I love about snow!!
Number 1
The enforced hibernation. We live in a dynamic and exciting world that we cannot control, we just have to go with the flow. In winter, it is cold, icy and dark, it is probably best to do as the Blue Peter tortoise does and sit it out in the warm. Preferably with some good books and copious amounts of tea and hot chocolate.
Number 2
Friendly strangers. Snow and ice seem to induce a real sense of community and kindness. The shopper in front of me this morning was collecting essentials for no less than five of her neighbours. While pottering around, I have spotted so many people busily helping to rescue trapped cars, kindly warning people of slippy ground and advising drivers struggling with the conditions. Most people are rather nice, it seems that our most generous sides are often displayed during a crisis.

Snow Love - Heart shaped stones on the snowy beach

Number 3
The world looks beautiful.
Number 4
Sometimes life is a little bit calmer when the world is a little bit smaller. Driving is a tad scary in the ice, particularly as my road is untreated, so I am relying fully on my bike and feet, I’m not a very adventurous cyclist so my sphere of influence has shrunk significantly.
Happy snow day!